Counselor's Corner


Office of Counseling Support Services

Hello and welcome! My name is Mrs. Licciardi, and I am so excited and honored to join the St. Matthew family! As the school counselor, I have the privilege of providing support to all students here at SMA. Throughout the year, I will be conducting classroom lessons to aid students in academic and social/emotional development. Likewise, I am able to provide short-term support to help students overcome acute issues having an impact on their school performance. 

Services may include:

Students’ Needs: As the school counselor, I serve as the Individual Students’ Needs Committee (IN-SNC) Coordinator working directly with administration, students, teachers, and parents to address the unique academic needs of students. Along with administration and faculty, meetings are held regularly to discuss students’ needs, assess the effectiveness of classroom accommodations, and implement personalized strategies that may contribute to student success.

Resources and referrals: Administrators and faculty monitor students’ personal, social, and academic needs, communicate with parents, and provide resources and referrals when appropriate.

Speech therapy: Coordination for on-campus speech therapy provided by Jefferson Parish Schools and private providers.

Educational Programming: Classroom instruction and schoolwide activities address a variety of topics that may include character development, conflict resolution, bullying, internet safety, Halloween safety, and Mardi Gras safety.

Please feel free to reach out to me via email with any concerns. I am thrilled to be here and look forward to an exciting new school year!